First-summer Little Gull, Derek Whites Eggs GP, 28th May 2008 by Steve Blain. This little chap looks set to over summer with us, just like one did last year.
A couple of record shots of the rather stunning Red-footed Falcon. I had deleted these photos from my camera's memory card by mistake and have just managed to recover them.. :-( Photos by Martin Green
Unfortunately not showing as well as the Flitwick bird it gave views before moving out of sight onto the heath and after some time flying into trees and then further afield and not being relocated thereafter.
The Red footed falcon showed well on a couple of occasions amongst a count of 14 hobbies, with a raptor backup of 2 kestrels 1 sparrowhawk and 5 buzzards.
Hoopoe, Flitwick, 12th May 2008 by Steve Blain. An absolutely fantastic bird. Many thanks go to the householder who notified the RSPB initially about this bird in their Flitwick garden. They also let me in to take these shots.