I popped into the Tip today to see if the Wood Sandpiper that had been reported yesterday was still on site and was delighted to find it on the main lake with a point in the right direction by Neil Wright who doesn't let much get past him on his patch.
The bird seemed to favour the weed on the accessible LH side of the lake and was very confiding indeed for a Sandpiper, at one point it was nearly taken out by a Male Sparrowhawk which had a go but thought better at the last moment.
Also on site this morning, Ringed Plover, Whinchat, Green Sandpiper, Great Crested Grebe, Little Egret, Coots, Yellow Wagtails, Pied Wagtails, Swallows, House and Sand Martins, Herons, Green Woodpecker, Turtle Dove, Linnet, Yellowhammer, Skylark, Turtle Dove, Reed Bunting, House Sparrow and at least 18 + Little Grebes who seem to have had a magnificent breeding season at this location this year.